Friday, July 5, 2013

19th AACRT 2013 Asia-Australasia Conference of Radiological Technologists

The 19th Asia and Australasia Conference of Radiographers and Radiological Technologist (AACRT)
January, 16-18th 2013. Lotus Pang Suan Kaew, Chiangmai, Thailand. 

The 19th Asia-Australasia Conference of Radiological Technologists (AACRT) had been attended by Daw Khin Thandar Htun, BPSc (Radiography), MMedTech (Medical Imaging), Assistant Lecturer, University of Medical Technology, Yangon on behalf of Myanmar Society of Medical Radiation Technologists.

28th Singapore - Malaysia Radiographers' Conference in conjuction with 1st Singapore - Hong Kong - Malaysia Radiation Therapists Symposium

Protocol: Beta-Blocker Use for CCTA

Purpose:  To decrease patient's heart rate and reduce r-r interval variability for improved image quality of coronary artery CTA.  

Goal:  Achieve a heart rate of 50-60bpm.


·         Congestive heart failure (CHF) 
·         Significant asthma or bronchospasm who have used an inhaler within the past 2 weeks 
·         Severe aortic stenosis 
·         Known hypersensitivity to metoprolol 
·         Systolic blood pressure less than 100 mm Hg 
·         Heart rate less than 60 bpm  

Relative contraindications:
·         1st degree av block with pr >/= 0.24sec 

Procedure:  Oral Metoprolol

1. Obtain baseline heart rate and blood pressure.  For all patients consider anxiety level, BMI, clinical and medical history before deciding on doses.
If baseline > 60 bpm give metoprolol 50 mg orally.
If baseline > 65 bpm give metoprolol 50-100 mg orally.
If baseline > 70 bpm give metoprolol 100-150 mg orally.
If baseline > 80 bpm give metoprolol 100-200 mg orally.

2. Check and document heart rate and bp q 15 minutes x 1 hour after oral metoprolol is given

Procedure:  Intravenous Metoprolol

If heart rate > 60 bpm and bp >100 systolic 60 minutes after oral metolprolol then:
1. Give iv metoprolol 5mg iv slowly over two minutes; perform in CT room as half-life is short.
2. Monitor and record patient's heart rate q 1 minute and bp q 3 minutes x 6 minutes - use continuous monitoring.
3. Continue to administer 5mg iv metoprolol q 5 minutes until heart rate <60 bpm or cumulative iv dose equals 30mg or bp<100 systolic.

Post Scan Procedure:

1. After scan completed monitor patient's heart rate and blood pressure q 5 minutes x three and than q 15 minutes if iv metoprolol administered- use continuous ECG monitoring

2. Patients may be discharged when the following criteria are met:
  resting heart rate >55bpm, free of adverse effects from metoprolol. For iv metoprolol, document heart rate and blood pressure for at least 30 minutes post procedure. 

3. Notify physician for hr <45 or if patient experiencing signs or symptoms of adverse effects such as: dizziness, lightheadedness, syncope, hypotension, bronchospasm, wheezing, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, heart block.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Going to Digital Imaging, Difference between Wireless DR and Wire DR

                   In Myanmar, GE Wireless Digital Detector (Flash Pad) , Carestream Health DRX-1, Canon CXDI-70C Wireless are coming in some private hospital. Wire type DR are Canon CXDI-50G/55G and GE DR-F. We are trying to get differences between wire and wireless DR for application site. Image Quality, Easy to use, Pixel pitch, Scintillator, Imaging area, Weight incl. battery, Wireless standard, Battery performance when fully-charged, Recharging time, Preview image display time, Fully image display time, Weight applied limit, etc,…
Flash Pad

CXDI 70C and 80C


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

1st Myanmar Medical Radiation Technologists Meeting

Commemorative of World Radiography Day
11th November 2012
Chatrium Hotel
Yangon, Myanmar

Prof. U Lin Tun Tun
Prof. U Saw Kyaw Aung, Prof. U Lin Tun Tun, Mr. Gary Tan, U Maung Par
Prof. U Naing Win
Chairman of MSMRT , U Khin Maung Tin

Ms Amphai Uraiverotchanakom
Mr. Tan Theng Tiak from SGH
Daw Mon Mon Nwe Tun
Daw Khin Thandar Tun